Set in Pittsburgh’s renowned Abby Lee Dance Company, owned and operated by notoriously demanding and passionate instructor Abby Lee Miller, Lifetime’s explosive new docu-series Dance Moms follows chil...
This season, Dance Moms continues to pose tough questions about what really goes on behind the scenes of the fast-growing and controversial sport of competitive dance.
Abby Lee Miller is back with Pittsburgh’s world-class students, their mothers, and all their baggage. Get ready for more drama and dancing as everyone gets into their routines. You’ll meet several new...
The Beginning of the End
Out With the Old, in With the New
But I'm a National Champion!
Liar, Liar, Dance Mom on Fire!
Revenge of the Replacements
Boys are Cuties, Girls have Cooties
Rotten to the Core
You've Been Unfriended
Bye Bye Baby
All's Fair in Love and War
Camouflaged Maneuvers
The Apple of Her Eye
She's a Maniac
Watch Your Back, Mack
The Politics of Dancing
May I Have This Dance?
The View from the Top
Candy Apple Showdown
Tell All, Part 1
Tell All, Part 2
Boy Crazy, Mom Crazy
Two Girls, One Solo
An Apple a Day Keeps Abby Away
No Room for Rotten Apples
Chatter, Part 1
Chatter, Part 2
Tap Versus Hip Hop
Abby’s So Far This Season…
Recital Rebellion
Clash of the Dance Moms
The Dancing Dead
Gone, Abby Gone
On-Again, Off-Again Abby
Diva Las Vegas
Do-Si-Do and Do-Si-Don't
The Big Not-So-Easy
Reunion: Hurricane Abby
Dance Moms Holiday Special: Twas the Fight Before Christmas
Episode 39
Episode 40
Abby takes to the road with a new national scouting tour to find the country’s most elite young dancers. With the threat of new dancers coming into the company, the moms will stop at nothing to ensure...
The dance competition season is off to a rocky start when a key team member disappears.
With her LA studio now open for business, Abby is determined to ensure her team won’t have another dismal competition season. To keep her girls focused, Abby issues a ban on anything other than dance....
Abby admits that coaching two teams does not work, the Jr Elite Team ultimately agrees to return to the ALDC to get back on top and to reclaim their national title while Abby once again creates a new...