Hailing from the mountains of Iga, Kanzo Hattori moves in with elementary school student Kenichi Mitsuba and his family to hone his skills as a ninja.
The Great Bargain Sale! / Transformation Isn't a Child's Play!
Everybody Needs Encouragement! / Are You Scared of Mummies?
Mama's Mission Fitness! / A Scribbling on Hattori's Face!
I'm Going to Papa's Office! / A Tennis Match Between Kumumaki and Kenichi!
Shinzou Wants to Help! / It Isn't Easy to Make Yumeko Happy!
Where is the Examiner? / Who is the Superhero, Kenichi or Kemumaki?
A Day Without Electricity! / Dog Versus Cats!
The Result of Sir's Homework! / A Customized Cycle!
Hattori's Prolonged Hiccups!
A Tiff Between Shinzou and Hattori! / Enemies or Friends?
Hattori Revives a Failing Business! / Kenichi Performs Magic Tricks!
Shishimaru's Kindness!
It Wasn't as Expected! / Fishing Isn't an Easy Job!
Shinzou's Paper Bird Flying Technique! / Yumeko's Fashion Show
What You Sow Is What You Reap!
Are the Security Devices Powerful? / Yumeko's Man of Destiny!
Hattori's Delivery Service! / A Burglar Crow!
Finding Kenichi's Lost Watch! / Robert's Stumbling Technique!
Will Hattori Cry? / The Monkey Kingdom!
Is Papa a Good Carpenter? / Will Kenichi Make It to School On Time?
The Mitsuba Family is a Ninja Family! / Bowling is Fun!
An Adventurous Drive to the Amusement Park! / Preventive Injection is a Must!
A Challenging Golf Tournament! / Playing Hide-and-Seek in an Amusement Park!
A Growing Bird, Mimicky! / The Quiz Contest!
Honesty is the Best Policy! / The Hot Air Balloon!
Kenichi's Tree House! / The Cricket Match!